Teviotdale Harriers held their annual Burns Club sponsored races on Sunday, with the sen men getting a chance to go off first, it was G Law who was to set the pace and was still in the lead when the runners came back into view but by this time the pack were closing in with scratch man Colin Welsh hot on Laws heels and with the winning line fast approaching Welsh sailed passed and went on to win in the time of 17:16, in second place it was Raymond Jaffray 17:20 with Derek Scott coming home third in 17:21.
The second race for u/13 girls and u/11 boys, with just one mile to be covered it was always going to be fast and furious when it came to the finish it was Emma Grieve who was in front, winning in the time of 9:15, next to finish was the boys winner Jamie Waugh who finished in the time of 9:21, next home was Iben Mcmillan 9:32 and in third spot it was Mhairi Inglis 9:47. Second home in the boys race was Gareth Williams 10:10 and running home in third spot was back marker Calum Murray 10:43.
The main race of the day for the Burns Club trophy was competed for by u/17,15,13 boys, first run for in 1967 and was won by T Dagg, this year it was won by Charlie Marshall 17:29 who was defending the trophy he won last year, in second spot it was Kyle Potts 18:18 and completing prize winners in third place it was Harry Marshall 18:40. With the sen ladies covering the same course it was Ann Renwick who stormed to victory in the time of 18:28, in second spot was the fast finishing Joanne Gilfillan 18:31 and in third place was vice president Sylvia Grieve 18:38.
The presentations of the trophy’s were then held in the Hawick Burns Club where refreshments were laid on.