Musselburgh 10k
Saturday 20th July 2013
Arriving in Musselburgh early on Saturday 20th July for the 10k the temperature was a lovely and cool 15 degrees with a slight breeze coming in off the sea. We knew this wouldn’t last for long and the temperature would rise but with a 10.30am start wouldn’t be as punishing as previous races this summer.
Lining up were Alan and Donna Inglis. This route begins on the playing fields of Loretto, out into the town, along the sea front, up the famous racecourse, then back into town to finish on the playing fields. Times were Alan Inglis 39:17 and Donna Inglis 52:52.
Following the main race there was a junior fun fun of approximately 900 – 1,000 metres. Running for the harriers was Ishbel Inglis who managed to overtake the 2 leading boys half way round the course to take 1st place and overall winner in a time of 3:30. All winners received a very welcome ice-cream on crossing the line and the juniors received a goody bag made up of a selection of sweets.