Callum’s Run 100 miles in 100 days

C Run 1

Last Wednesday night, 1st July, Teviotdale Harriers’ junior section had the pleasure of joining local youngster Callum Murray for one mile, his 49th so far, as part of his personal challenge to run 100 miles in 100 days.  He is raising money for CCLASP who help children and teenagers suffering from cancer or leukaemia. They provide advice and support for their parents and help with vital transport.  They also organise annual fun outings to keep the children smiling, helping with holidays to Disneyland.  They also have holiday homes in Berwick, Seton Sands and Perthshire.

Callum was diagnosed with AML (acute myeloid leukaemia) in 2011 which completely devastated and changed his family’s life for ever.  His family appreciated the help and support from CCLASP who did everything they could to make Callum’s journey a little easier.  Callum left the Sick Kids Hospital in January 2012 and has never looked back, he plays every sport going and lives life to the full.  Callum now wants to give a little back to CCLASP for all the support over the years and we were delighted to join him for a run.

If you would like to donate or enquire about taking part in Callum’s challenge details are available on his ‘just-giving page’:

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Thanks to Pamela Patterson for the photographs and to Lindsey Knox for helping me get them on to the website. Apologies for the delay.