A Teviotdale Harriers Membership gives you (the chance to wear the famous vest):
Entry to the 7 club races are-
- Sept: Christie Cup – Wilton Lodge Park – Bandstand
- Nov: Jubilee Races – Hawick Moor
- Nov: Burns Club Race – Burns Club
- Dec: Menzies Race – Common Haugh
- Jan: Langheugh Race – Wilton Lodge Park – New Cafe
- Feb: Club Championships – Wilton Lodge Park – Museum
- March: Cup Races – Hawick Moor
Additionally there is:
- Traditional Opening Run in September followed by a social event.
- Popular Christmas Relays with optional fancy dress in December.
- New Years Day Run.
- Social “Dominoes” day around the festive period
- ‘Captains Social Run,’ around January/February
- The year ends with the Presentation Night in March.
Membership also give you entrance to:
- 3 East District League Races
- East District Championships
- East District Cross Country Relays
- Scottish Cross Country Championships
- Scottish Cross Country Relays
- Scottish Road Relays
As well as the above we organise and host:
- Proudly the local Primary/Secondary School Cross Country Championships in February.
- The Teviotdale Harriers 10k/JogScotland Challenge Hawick 5k and Fun Run every August.
- The Penchrise Pen Hill Race which is usually held in September and starts at Stobs Camp
- The Uphill Mile, sponsored by the 1514 Club and organised by Teviotdale Harriers in May.
- In the summer months we run a “Time Trial Series ” of 6 timed running routes starting at the Museum in Wilton Lodge Park.