- Adult Membership Form – Teviotdale Membership Form 2019 (Adult)
- Junior Membership Form (plus the below Junior Members Charter) – Teviotdale Membership Form 2019 (Child)
- Junior Members Charter (plus the above Junior Membership Form) – TEVIOTDALE HARRIERS JUNIOR MEMBERS CHARTER 2019
- Family Membership Form – Teviotdale Membership Form 2019 (Family)
All posts by Lindsey
Teviotdale Harriers AGM
Teviotdale Harriers – AGM
The annual general meeting of Teviotdale Harriers will take place on Thursday 5th September at 7:00pm in the Harriers Clubrooms.
Under normal circumstances a notice is displayed on the notice board in the clubrooms asking for nominations for office bearers but as the clubrooms are out of bounds we are unable to follow this procedure. Anyone wishing to propose someone for one of the roles (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee etc.) within the club should send their proposal along with the name of a seconder to club president Alan Coltman HERE.
THC 10k, 5k & FUN RUN
Teviotdale Harriers 10k & 5k and 2 Mile Fun Run Sunday 25th August 2019.
Start Time
- Fun Run 11.20 am
- 10k & 5K Runs 12 noon
Scottish Athletics permit event under Scottish Athletics Rules.
Registration opens at 10:15am and closes at 11:30 am for 10k and 5k, and closes 11 am for fun run.
Cost 10k £12 and 5k £8 ( £2 discount for SAL members .
Fun Run £2 enter on the day only.
10k runners must be 15 years old or over on race day.
5k runners must be 11 years old or over on race day.
Fun run runners under 16 years but old enough to run (under 6 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible person around the course)!
A fast flat course run through scenic Wilton Lodge Park,Hawick.
Closing Date for 10k & 5k – 24th August, or until all places are taken. If places are still available on the day entries may be made for an additional £2.
For more information click here